Cindy & Kyra

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Durian & Mooncake

During the third trimester of my pregnancy, it was durian season. Being a durian lover, you could not have imagined how much durians have i eaten until my doctor gave me a STOP sign. I was ballooned and gained about 25kg!

Kyra loves durians just like her mommy does. She can swallow two pieces (provided the durian is good = "branded") I wanted to stop her from taking too much due to its sweetness and heat but her dad just kept buying. The whole house is durian craze!

Last week, Kyra explored a new type of food ~ Mooncake. At first she was attracted to the colourful packaging and when she saw the cakes, she requested one. Frankly, i am not into sweet stuff and mooncake is no exception. So, my eyes were like gold fish by the time she finished a quarter! Kids eat mooncakes?! I think i'm going to self-introduce her to some ad agents for mooncake advertisement next year, haha!


Kateedyd said...

OMG...she is WAY too cute! I love the food pics! Any tiny little person eating something bigger than them is so cute to see. :o)

I've never had durian although I see it all the time. I'm still wondering what it tastes like but I'm not that adventurous. LOL

Kateedyd What?!
Mommie’s Marbles

Cindy said...

Hi there kateedyd!
Thanks for dropping by.Don't know how to describe durian to you, but if you have the chance, you just got to try it. The results will be very extreme, you will either like it very much and ask for more OR you will just vomit out right after you put it into your mouth.
Apparently, Kyra and i fall under the first group :-) LOL

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