Cindy & Kyra

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Children Fun Club

I started a club called "Children Fun Club" at my company early of the year. The main objective of the club is to provide a place and environment for the parents and their kids to mingle around and have fun. Six pair of mommies and children (including myself) turned up during the first session. Before that, mommies voluntarily took their parts in preparation, some arranged the room layout, some prepared for the refreshment and etc...

Since i was the "founder" of the club, i led the first session. I planned for the activities and played the teacher role. During the session, we sang, we rhymed, we had fingers play, we did origami, we read stories, we ate and we made friends...The kids seemed shy and nervous in the beginning, but after warming up with them with some songs and movement, they started to show interest.

Each mommy is supposed to take turn to play the teacher role, then we will have a variety of activities, ideas and styles of leadership. From here, parents can share their parenting skills. Besides, I think the kids will enjoy even more when they see their mommies (the adults) singing, reading and playing with them and also their friends.

Sad to say, we have not been continuing the activity since then (always so muck work to do, so many places to go, bla bla...). Well, I shall just start sending out the 2nd session invitation email real soon!

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