Cindy & Kyra

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

TV commercial of LOVE - so touching!

Share with you two TV ads which are meaningful and touching...


Erik said...

Both are fantatstic and moving videos. Thank you for sharing.

leechon said...

hbey nice..hmmmm...

long dint been r u^^

Leah said...

thank you for sharing those videos. i'm all teared up and i'll be passing them on to my friends. blessings

Joseph Wan said...

Thanks a million for sharing this two piece of video which are both meaningful and inspirational. It makes life beautiful. Indeed, i agree with the first video, the little imperfections, those little peccadilloes are the good stuff in a relationship. I have seen the second video before, but seeing them again evoked a certain feeling within me that is eager to burst out. These videos should be exemplified in life. That is so much beautiful if viewed from their perspective. Thank you for the video. I will definitely share it with my readers.
CHee Hung

Joseph Wan said...

Dear Cindy,
Yes, I've heard of this father taking care of his son who is suffering from Cerebral Palsy. But this is the first time watching the video. Truly inspirational. I am touched with the love and father showed towards the son. I would be a great daddy is i am just half as good as the man.

Skinny R said...

the first almost made me shed tears.

Anonymous said...

nice vids =)